The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
A rebellious youth, sentenced to a boy’s reformatory for robbing a bakery, rises through the ranks of the institution through his prowess as a long distance runner. During his solitary runs, reveries of his life and times before his incarceration lead him to re-evaluate his privileged status as the Governor’s prize runner.
Views: 70
Director: Tony Richardson
Actors: Alec McCowen, Avis Bunnage, Dervis Ward, James Bolam, Joe Robinson, Julia Foster, Michael Redgrave, Tom Courtenay, Topsy Jane
Keywords:A hosszútávfutó magányossága A Solidão do Corredor de Fundo Die Einsamkeit des Langstreckenläufers El mundo frente a mi Gioventù amore e rabbia Kaikista kapinallisin La soledad del corredor de fondo La solitude du coureur de fond Langdistanseløperen Långdistanslöparen O epanastatis Osamljenost tekaca na dolge proge Rebel with a Cause Samotnosc dlugodystansowca Sejr eller nederlag? Tony Richardson's The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Одиночество бегуна на длинную дистанцию Самотният бегач на дълги разстояния