Mystery 101
A Veteran detective is called to a hospital mortuary to identify a corpse only to find it is his estranged daughter. Traumatized by the news she apparently took her own…
Before there was Batman, there was GOTHAM. Everyone knows the name Commissioner Gordon. He is one of the crime world’s greatest foes, a man whose reputation is synonymous with law…
Alaska Daily
A star journalist moves to Alaska for a fresh start after a career-killing misstep, and finds redemption personally and professionally joining a daily metro newspaper in Anchorage.
Vikings follows the adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar’s band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises…
Fight Like a Girl
Stephanie McMahon pairs a WWE Superstar with a young woman struggling with a personal issue that has been holding her back
A League Of Their Own
DuringWorldWarIIwhenallthemenarefightingthewar,mostofthejobsthatwereleftvacantbecauseoftheirabsencewerefilledinbywomen.Theownersofthebaseballteams,notwantingbaseballtobedormantindefinitely,decidetoformteamswithwomen.Soscoutsaresentalloverthecountrytofindwomenplayers.Oneofthescouts,passesthroughOregonandfindsawomannamedDottieHinson,whoisincredible.Heapproachesherandaskshertotryoutbutshe’snotinterested.However,hersister,KitwhowantstogetoutofOregon,offerstogo.Butheagreesonlyifshecangethersistertogo.Whentheytryout,they’rechosenandareonthesameteam.JimmyDugan,aformerplayer,who’snowadrunk,istheteammanager.Buthedoesn’tfeelasifit’sarealjobsohedrinksandisnotexactlydoinghisjob.SoDottiestepsup.Afterafewmonthswhenitappearsthegirlsarenotgarneringanyattention,theleagueisfacingclosuretillDottiedoessomethingthat…[email protected]
The Guest Book
Port Protection
Port Protection is home to the few who have left behind normal society and chosen a different life in a remote Alaskan community, where survival of the individuals and community…
Every Witch Way
The series follows 14-year-old Emma Alonso, as she moves to Miami and her life turns upside-down. Not only does she discover that she is a witch, she also has a…
Lights Out with David Spade
Specializing in celebrities, entertainment and all things apolitical, comedy legend David Spade and a panel of his comedian friends are at the roundtable and in the field to help break…