Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk
19-year-old Billy Lynn is brought home for a victory tour after a harrowing Iraq battle. Through flashbacks the film shows what really happened to his squad – contrasting the realities of war with America’s perceptions.
Views: 65
Director: Ang Lee
Actors: Arturo Castro, Astro, Barney Harris, Beau Knapp, Chris Tucker, Garrett Hedlund, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Joe Alwyn, Mason Lee, Steve Martin, Vin Diesel
Keywords:A Longa Caminhada de Billy Lynn Bili Lin - heroj Billy Lynn Billy Lynn hosszú Billy Lynn và cuoc chien nua doi nguoi Billy Lynn: A Longa Caminhada Billy Lynn: Un giorno da eroe Billy Lynns hjemkomst Die irre Heldentour des Billy Lynn félidei sétája Fin de mi-temps pour le soldat Billy Lynn Lungul drum al lui Billy Lynn Najdłuższy marsz Billy'ego Lynna Un jour dans la vie de Billy Lynn Μια απίθανη διαδρομή στη ζωή του Billy Lynn Долгая прогулка Билли Линна в перерыве футбольного матча